Oxfam - fighting poverty for 65 years

Little Frog said...
Oxfam has been fighting poverty for over 65 years. This makes us one of the most experienced development agencies in the world, which we think puts us in a strong position to help bring about lasting change for some of the poorest people on the planet.

In suggesting Oxfam, we're actually suggesting the people we work to help. The best people to help poor communities are community members themselves; that's because no-one understands their problems better than they do. In fact, Oxfam mostly works in partnership with local organisations – supporting initiatives that are their own. From small businesses in Sri Lanka, education for girls in Pakistan, or increasing farming outputs in Bangladesh, our projects help people to lift themselves out of poverty - for the long term.

You can see more details for some of our projects here: http://www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam_in_action/direct/pgs_projects/projects.htm

For more information please call Kate on 01865 472126 or email kkewley@oxfam.org.uk

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